Thursday, 17 April 2014

L I F E S T Y L E // instagram of the week

This weeks instagram comes courtesy of a girl I've been fangirling over for a few months now (you can imagine my excitment when she followed me back a few days ago)! Hannah's a student living in London, and it was her photography and incredible eye for colour and composition that initially had be drawn to her blog for days on end.
Mostly shot in clean hues of white and often featuring heavy black accessories and the odd flash of greenery, her arrangements are so pure and just so, well..perfect.
Everytime she posts something new I end up glancing round at my own unorganised mess of a desk and swfitly get cleaning. Congratulations Hannah, I think you're the only person to ever succeed in making me clean my room. As well as the impecable styling though, Hannah herself is incredibly beautiful and her self portraits are enough to make me want to crawl under my duvet and cry. That hair, that skintone!
If you're ever looking for inspiring photography or fashion advice (she recently pointed me in the direction of some perfect pearl ear cuffs), then Hannah is the girl for you! I'm sure I'll be continuing the fangirling for a long while to come (sorry Hannah)..

Follow her instagram @hannahlosadler and have a browse through her blog here :)

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