Tuesday, 11 December 2012

I have not failed, I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

Our tutor emailed us the above quote by Thomas Edison and it seems quite fitting at the moment.
Despite the fact my final year seems to be going rather smoothly at the moment, I still manage to create extra stress for myself by worrying about what to do once it's all over. It's an exciting prospect, yes, but at the same time I feel completely overwhelmed by the whole idea of throwing myself into the industry.
Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to start working and putting my skills and everything I've learnt over these past three years to good use, but as much as I keep trying to push them away, the "who the hell is going to want me to work for them?" thoughts keep creeping up on me and sending me into panic mode!

I don't know if it's the same for anyone else wanting to work within the fashion industry, but I spent pretty much my entire adolescence being told it'll never happen for me, that's it's "too competitive" and that I won't be good enough. Thankfully I've always had incredibly supportive tutors who've helped me believe in my potential (which I'll always be grateful for), and a creative Mother who will always support everything I choose to do. However, even to this day I cannot seem to escape the few negative individuals who seem to find it acceptable to try and put me down. 

So guys, this is my poor attempt at being all 'deep and meaningful' and trying to turn worry into something positive? 
I look back now at my little thirteen year old self and her notebook of frilly designs and wish I'd ignored everything I'd been criticised for. I look back with a sense of regret at the time I wasted which could have spent practicing instead of being too afraid of being ridiculed. 
On a positive note though, I've always been told criticism makes you a stronger person (I'm still yet to find out of this is actually true), and I know I'm definitely not the only one who'd been told they cant do what they love.
I also know that I'll at least attempt to use the negativity to push me further and prove them wrong..

Right this moment though I'm off to introduce my housemate to Parks and Recreation because she's clearly been missing out!
For now


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