Thursday, 4 October 2012

"Wishing I wasn't a poor student" wishlist

Winter is almost here! This probably fills the majority of you with dread and fear but for me it's always my favourite time of the year. Being a winter baby (I was born in the middle of January), I always find myself drawn to darker colours, chunky knits and so many layers I look like a walking wardrobe.. Luckily for me living in England means I can pretty much dress like this the whole year round, but nothing really beats crisp winter morning, cosy evenings in front of the fire, and ridiculous amounts of hot chocolate... As soon as I came back from Japan (and back to the coooold) I started hunting for winter wardrobe ideas. Sadly being on a tight student budget means my 500000 wish lists are having to take a drastic cut, but here are just a few items that have caught my eye this month- JUST LOOK AT THOSE SHOES! I'm sure it's definitely worth living off instant noodles for a few weeks in order to afford them!

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