Sunday, 11 May 2014

L I F E S T Y L E // Easy like Sunday morning

I love Sundays. 

Sundays are the one day of the week I get to chill out and do all the boring things people my age probably shouldn't take pleasure in doing.
I feel like I spend my week running around like a headless chicken from 6am when I get up and leave for work and spent the day running round the studio, to when I finally get home then head straight back out for my evening run and workout.
Sunday's are the day I get to stay in bed until 9am and not feel guilty and the day I actually get to relax.
One thing that relaxes me the most (without leaving me feeling lazy), is creating different compositions for possible blog posts. Capturing interesting forms is something I take a lot of pleasure in doing, however seeing as I only have an iPhone at the moment on which to take photos I have to rely a lot on good lighting and different apps to actually make them look okay.
Which is why I thought I'd share with you a few of the photo editing apps I use on a daily basis. I personally never use filters because frankly I think they all look shit, and instead tend to just edit the brightness/contrast and saturation until I get the kind of look I want..

1. VSCO cam

If you have an instagram account then you'll probably already have this. Possibly one of the easiest apps I've ever used for editing photos. It's grid layout makes it incredibly simple to flick through you're already edited pics without having to hunt through hundreds of images in your photo album (a feature which a lot of these apps sadly lack). The editing features themselves are so quick and easy to use as well and if you're the kind of person who does like a good filter then luckily for you there are plenty to flick through-see? Easy!

2. Afterlight

Slightly more advanced than VSCO, Afterlight offers more play with the brightness/contrast/exposure as well as providing the ability to alter the tone and grain of the image. If you're looking for fancy frames it also gives you the ability to play around with different polaroid effects. 

3. Snapseed

Snapseed would probably be the one I use most often, mainly because you have a lot more control over the end result. By toggling through the options- including the ambiance and shadows it gives you more freedom to clean the image whilst being able to make brighter colours really pop. I also love that it gives you the ability to sharpen the image, and if you're pushed for time then there's also an automatic option.

4. Photowonder

I usually only use this for novelty purposes, but can really come in handy if you find yourself having a bad skin day (my life everyday)! It's not the most subtle of editing apps, but the beautify tab is pretty fun especially if you like the purikura effects. Plus the layout is so cute, and if you ever refuse an update they tell you how much they still love you anyway- N'awwww!

Of course, these apps are usually only used if I'm pushed for time or don't have access to photoshop, but if you're just using them for instagram then they work pretty well :)
Have fun playing, and let me know if there's any others you'd recommend!


1 comment:

  1. I love sundays too! I mainly use afterlight on my insta, but I've heard wonderful things about these other apps too x
