Sunday, 4 May 2014

F A S H I O N: Piercing ring

Every year I find myself toying with the idea of packing up my entire life, jumping on a plane and finding a corner of the world-far far away from the UK- in which to dwell. You know, that clichéd backpack around South East Asia to 'find yourself', and instead you end up spending six months drunk on a beach somewhere in Thailand. Ya. 
However, every time I start to plan something happens in my life which makes me want to stay put. Exciting collaborations, new projects at work... Despite this I started saving a little a few months back, in case the time came when I actually felt the need to run away from all responsibility, and so I've cut back a lot on unnecessary luxuries in order to pay for that unexpected venture to the other side of the world. The only exception has been this ring I found on ebay which set me back a hefty three whole pounds! 
Usually I only ever buy cheap jewellery in a bid to cheer myself up after an awful day, only to feel worse when it turns my skin green two days later. This beaut however has had the opposite effect. It's been a good two weeks and I'm still in love (a very good sign)! It's minimal design wraps around the finger in such a way as to create the effect of a tiny surface piercing, and can be worn either as a midi or full ring.
For such a teeny piece of jewellery it makes such a statement that I tend to only wear one other silver band on the thumb of my opposite hand, so it doesn't fight for attention. 
Looks amazing, and for 3 quid you can't really go wrong huh?
What'd you think? 

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