Monday, 17 December 2012


As some of you may already know, Bigbang played in London for the first time last weekend, and I feel incredibly lucky to have been there to witness it. To be quite honest the few weeks running up to it I tried not to think about it that much--too much work and it hadn't really sunk in that I was going-- In fact it wasn't until they actually walked on stage that it felt real and I finally realised where I was...

I'm not going to go into much detail about it as I don't think I can find the words to describe just how amazing they were (and I'm not a good writer at the best of times)
And in all honesty I think I'm still on a bit of a comedown, so instead I'll just leave you with a few photos. 
I took mostly videos whilst I was there (which I don't plan on ever sharing because they all include me screaming like an idiot), so please enjoy me and Michaela and the sea of VIPS
Much love

I've been meaning to share my relatively new pale blue babydoll (bought for a whopping £3.50) but hadn't had the chance to photograph myself in it yet, so here you go... Quite possibly the cutest thing I own...

Ridiculously blurry crowd due to my dancing, but I thought it looked pretty...

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